Monday, June 30, 2014

Ngaben (Cremation Ceremony of Bali)

Ngaben (Cremation ceremony) is one ritual performed by Hindus in Bali are classified as Pitra Yadnya (a ceremony that was dedicated to Ancestor). Cremation is etymologically derived from the word "api" (fire) that gets the prefix "nga", and suffix "an", so to become "ngapian", which is encoded into "ngapen" which gradually shift into a word "ngaben". Ngaben or Cremation ceremony always involves a fire, there are two kinds of fire, in the form of a concrete fire (actual fire) and abstract fire (fire coming from Mantra Puja (holy chanting) by the priest who led the ceremony). Another version says that Ngaben comes from the word "beya" that means stock, so that also means the cremation ceremony gives stock to the ancestors to journey to Sunia Loka (Heaven).

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